Our Olive Trees

Land drawn by olive trees, Salento is a silver landscape that is the true wealth of Puglia. Leccina and Favolosa are the predominant cultivars in our olive groves, but there are also non autochthonous varieties such as Frantoio, Nociara, Carolea and Pendolino, which only here express olfactory and gustatory sensations completely peculiar.


Area of spread:
Variety also known as Leccio, Premice and is native to central Italy.

Tree of good vigor, expanded habit with hanging fruit branches and dense foliage;

Leaves of medium size, elliptical, of intense green color.
Drupes of ovoid shape and average weight of 2.5 gr with variable yield depending on the time of harvest from 15 to 19% Fruit

Agronomic and productive characteristics:
The productions are quite high and constant with characteristics suitable to be used also as table olives. The cultivar is self-sterile and requires pollinators like Pendolino.

Organoleptic characteristics of the oil:
The oil extract is presented with light fruit of excellent quality but without particular aromatic peaks. The taste is slightly bitter and spicy with notes of aromatic herbs such as mint, basil, chicory artichoke, almond golden yellow with green reflections and a medium fluidity.


Area of spread:
It’s a variety of recent introduction in Salento and in our company thanks to its good resistance to Xylella annoying. Originated from the Frantoio variety.

Tree with low vigor, habit tendentially pendulous, long fruit twigs, with inflorescences and cluster fruits, constant in production with an early entry into production and early ripening, with high and constant productions.

Agronomic characteristics of:
It is partially self-sterile. It is partially resistant to cold, mange, cycloconium and fly. The olives are intended exclusively for the production of oil.

Green grey elliptical leaf.

Organoleptic characteristics of the oil:
The oil is pleasantly fruity with high content in oleic acid and a medium high content in polyphenols.

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